Allama Shibli Nomani Library
This very important library of Nadwatul Ulama is housed in a magnificent five storey building. Foreign research scholars also benefit from it. This very essential library possesses a significant place and special rank in India.
It has three sections :-
- The section of Matbooat (Printed books.)
- The section of Makhtootat (Hand written books.)
- English section
All these three sections have their own responsible authorities who are supervised by the Nazim (Manager) of the library. A few other libraries are also included in the general library of the Nadwatul Ulama in which the library of Nawab Syed Siddique Hasan and Moulana Hakeem Syed Abdul Ali possesses a distinctive place among them. There are a few very important Makhtootat (Hand written books.) in these libraries. The course books are provided to the students as a help to facilitate their study and are taken back after the annual examination.
At present this library has more than 250000 books including 5000 Makhtootat, Hand written books of Urdu, Persian and Arabic.