Rabita Adab Islami
Although Rabita Adab Islami is an absolute & permanent institution, yet the rector of the Nadwatul Ulama is president and its central office is established in Nadwatul Ulama. this is the reason why it is mentioned here in the context of Nadwatul Ulama.This has been the concept of the founders of Nadwatul Ulama since very first day that by revealing the holy Quran in the eloquent Arabic language and miraculous style, Allah has related Islam with literature. Language and literature are a very good divine blessings and an impressive impact. It should be utilized for the service of Islam. In view of the same point, Hazrat Moulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Hasni Nadwi has compiled Mukhtarat as a course book for Nadwatul Ulama. He was elected as the member of the academy of Damuscus and Al Majma Al Elmi and there also he pursued for the same. This policy of him was positively welcome by the Arab countries. Then in 1401 H. in an international seminar on the basis of the Hazrat Moulana, a need for an international organization of Islamic literature was felt and an introductory office was established. In 1405 H in a meeting under the presidentship of Hazrat Moulana Syed Abul Hasani Ali Nadwi, it was decided to form an international organization for the Islamic literature.
For this purpose the very next year, an international conference was held in Nadwatul Ulama. Many literary personalities, great professors and the poets of India as well as Arab countries participated in this meeting and an organization was formed in the name of Rabita Adab Islami. The aims, purpose and rules & regulations of the organization were made into formation. Moulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Hasni Nadwi was elected, president for the Rabita. The head office was established in Nadwatul Ulama. Since then a great number of Pro-Islam literary authorities and poets has taken its membership in all the Islamic countries and many branches have been established in various countries which are rendering their services in the context of Islamic literature very actively.